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Outpatient Services

Not all of our specialist care is delivered in our inpatient unit at the Hospice. We also offer a range of care options through our various outpatient clinics and services.

However, much like our inpatient care, our outpatient services provide dignified and respectful care to all who receive it.

The Hospice of the Good Shepherd provides the following out-patient services:

• Medical Out-Patient Clinics
• Specific rehabilitation can be arranged with our physiotherapy and occupational therapy team

Of those who attend these clinics, many have been discharged from a stay at the Hospice, and others have been referred by their healthcare professional. As with all of our services, these out-patient attendances are provided free of charge by experienced, qualified professionals.

Medical Outpatients

Our specially trained Hospice Doctor or Hospice Consultant will meet with all patients referred to our out-patients department (either for initial or follow-up appointments).

Clinics are held on various weekdays by our medical team. Patients can attend with their family or carer if required. Each patient’s symptoms and conditions are assessed and monitored.

To ensure seamless delivery of care, the out-patients team works closely with all other medical professionals involved in a patient’s care, such as the GP, hospital consultant, Macmillan nurse or district nurse.


GPs and hospital consultants are able to make referrals to our out-patient clinics. Please contact your GP if you think you would benefit from these services.

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Charity Number: 515516 Company Number: 01843427

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