The following Glossary lists some of the medical and other terms used on this website.
- Analgesics: Pain killers. Can be mild eg. paracetamol, moderate or strong, eg. morphine
- CCG: Clinical Commissioning Group
- Community Care: Care provided by district nurses and other HCPs
- Complementary Therapy: Treatments such as acupuncture
- CPR: Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
- CQC: Care Quality Commission
- CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility
- DNACPR: Do Not Attempt Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
- EPA: Enduring Power of Attorney
- HCP: Health Care Professional
- LPA: Lasting Power of Attorney – two types, one for Health and one for Financial matters
- MDT: Multi-Disciplinary Team
- Metastases: Cancer that has spread beyond the primary (original) site
- Oncologist: A hospital consultant specialising in the care of cancer
- Opiates: Strong pain killers, eg. morphine
- Palliative Care: Usually refers to care provided to deal with symptoms for illnesses for which curative treatment is not possible
- Power of Attorney: A legal document containing instructions with an individual’s wishes for health care or financial matters
- PPC: Preferred Priorities for Care
- Primary Cancer: The original site of the cancer
- Primary Care: GP care
- Secondary Cancer: Cancer that has spread beyond the primary (original) site
- Secondary Care: Hospital care