How do I make a complaint about the care I have received at the hospice?
We value your feedback, whether it’s a comment, suggestion, or complaint and would always wish to address and resolve a situation as quickly as possible.
At the Hospice of the Good Shepherd, we work hard to deliver high standards of service at all times and across the organisation, but sometimes things go wrong. If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service, we would like you to let us know so that we can improve and try to make sure your experience is not repeated. In the first instance it is usually best to speak as soon as possible to the staff who are working with you or your family member directly. Alternatively you might like to speak to the Director of Clinical Services on 01244 851091. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of these discussions or they are not appropriate you may wish to make a complaint, preferably in writing to the Chief Executive, Rhian Edwards at the Hospice of The Good Shepherd , Gordon Lane, Backford Chester CH2 4DG.
Once we have received your complaint you will receive a written acknowledgement within 3 days and a full response will be sent to you within 28 working days. If you are not satisfied with our response you may escalate your complaint by contacting the following organisations:
The Parliamentary and Health and Services Ombudsman
Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP
Helpline Telephone Number: 0345 015 0433
The Care Quality Commission
National Correspondence
Citygate, Gallowgate
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Telephone: 03000 616161
Will my care be affected if I complain?
No. Making a complaint will not affect your care in any way. Any information you give will be treated in confidence and with sensitivity. Information about your complaint will be kept separate from your clinical records.
How do I contact the Care Quality Commission about the care I have received at the hospice?
You can contact the CQC by phoning 03000 61 61 61, or emailing
What is Duty of Candour?
Candour is the quality of being honest and telling the truth. The Duty of Candour is a statutory (legal) duty which means that we, as a healthcare provider, must be open and honest with patients and families if something goes wrong that appears to have caused or could lead to significant harm in the future.
We are committed to delivering safe, high quality care. On occasion things do not always go to plan and despite our best intentions and safety checks being in place, a patient could be harmed whilst in our care. The Hospice of the Good Shepherd has always been committed to being open and honest with patients and their families when things go wrong. The Duty of Candour ensures that you have the confidence in us to be honest with you about your care and treatment, especially if there are problems. The Duty of Candour applies to all providers of healthcare who are registered with the Care Quality Commission.
What incidents are affected by the Duty of Candour?
The duty asks that healthcare providers ensure that patients, or their families (when the patient lacks capacity to decide regarding their own care or is deceased) are told openly, honestly and in a timely manner when mistakes happen, which are believed to have caused significant harm or a notifiable safety incident.
- This is a serious incident which has resulted in either;
- Moderate or severe harm to the patient
- Prolonged psychological harm to the patient
- A patient’s death
What can I expect to happen if something goes wrong?
- Inform the patient and/or family as soon as possible about what has happened Provide the patient and / or family with a full and true account of all known facts
- Explain any immediate actions taken to address the consequences of the incident and advise what we intend or need to do
- Provide reasonable support to the patient and / or family
- Share our findings with the patient and / or family
- Identify the cause or causes of the incident
- Let the patient and / or family ask any questions about the incident
- Undertake further investigation and then put in writing the information already provided to date plus the outcome of the investigation
- Offer a follow up meeting if required to discuss the outcome of the investigation
The Duty of Candour does not affect your right to complain. Informal or formal complaints about any aspect of care are welcomed as an opportunity to address concerns, regardless of whether the Duty of Candour applies or not. See the next FAQ below for how to make a complaint.